Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Sustainability Report 2018
Business and Sustainability Highlights FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER (RM’mil) 2018 2017 Total non-current assets 284.9 321.5 Total current assets 290.3 539.9 Total assets 575.3 861.4 Financed by: Share Capital 81.9 81.9 Reserves 22.8 163.4 Retained earnings 211.7 36.9 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 316.4 282.2 Non-controlling interests 2.6 (1.3) Total equity 319.0 280.9 Total non-current liabilities 167.3 132.8 Total current liabilities 89.0 447.7 Total liabilities 256.3 580.5 Total equity and liabilities 575.3 861.4 CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS (MT) 2018 2017 Headquarters 59.6 54.3 Chemicals 83,857 81,632 Polymers 251.9 255.7 Overall 84,174.5 81,942 KEY STATISTICS FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETYAND HEALTH 2018 2017 Number of LTIs (Lost Time Injury) 0 7 Number of recordable Incidents 2 10 Number of non-recordable incidents 65 121 Total recordable case frequency (TRCF) 1.99 1.91 PROFIT OR LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (RM’mil) 2018 2017 Continuing Operations: Revenue 395.9 370.7 Profit before tax 51.6 14.7 Tax expense (20.9) (17.4) Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations 30.7 (2.6) Discontinued Operation: Profit from discontinued operation, net of tax – 42.4 Profit for the year 30.7 39.8 Profit attributable to: Owners of the Company 25.7 25.9 Non-controlling interests 5.0 13.9 Profit for the year 30.7 39.8 8 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018
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