Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Sustainability Report 2018

Our Commitment To Sustainable Social Practices Engagement Activities A core metric for measuring the health and success of an organisation is through the degree of how well people are connected to the company they work for. Maintaining a close relationship with employees is vital for attracting and retaining talent which will ultimately contribute towards the success of the business. Strengthening Employee Bonds We continue to roll out a host of employee engagement sessions as we pursue the objectives of building long-term relationships with our employees while strengthening the communications within our organisation. The employee engagement activities for 2018 are listed below. Activities Date/Frequency Participants Description CCM Group / Site Townhall Quarterly More than 50 pax Communication and engagement sessions between employees and GMD / CEO of Businesses. These mainly centre on updates of the Company’s latest performance and strategic direction. CCM Group “Let’s Talk Over the Tea Tarik Session with GMD” 22 March 2019 38 Hour-long informal sessions that allow employees to get up close and personal with the GMD; a sharing of everyone’s experiences in the Company; and the opportunity to ask questions and suggest ideas to the GMD. CCM Group Leadership Action Workshop 27 March 2018 22 This workshop aims to establish and implement organisational-wide employee engagement action plans in partnership with the HR Department. This workshop identifies and understands the driving force behind meaningful employee engagement sessions. CCM Pulse Survey 11 April 2018 All employees Conducted every two years, this employee pulse survey is a tool used to measure CCM’s operating climate and overall performance. The survey is administered by Group Human Capital using Google Forms. 2018 showed the latest results from this survey. CCMB Focus Group Discussion 4 May 2018 23 A discussion on employee engagement initiatives which can bring about meaningful changes at CCM. CCMB Raya Celebration “Lebaran Penuh Gaya” 4 July 2018 61 A celebration to promote the multi-cultural facets of employees and harmony within the Company while enhancing the unity and camaraderie among CCM employees. CCMB Inter-Department Hari Raya Decorating Contest 7-11 July 2018 All departments A contest to bring the excitement of Hari Raya into our workplace to showcase the creativity of employees, boost their morale and liven up the workplace. 51 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF MALAYSIA BERHAD