Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Sustainability Report 2019

PROFIT OR LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (in RM ‘000.00) 2018 2019 Revenue 395.9 385.2 Profit before tax 51.6 26.4 Tax expense (20.9) (10.3) Profit/(Loss) 30.7 16.1 CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS (CO 2 E) CO 2 Emission (MT)* 2018 2019 Headquarters 59.6 42.7 Chemicals 83,857.0 87,827.0 Polymers 251.9 402.1 Overall 84,174.5 88,271.8 KEY STATISTICS FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (in RM ‘000.00) 2018 2019 No. of fatality cases 0 0 No. of fines or penalties 0 0 No. of lost time injury (LTI) cases 0 3 No. of recordable cases 2 9 Lost time injury frequency (LTIF) 0 2.00 Total recordable case frequency (TRCF) 1.99 6.00 All incidents 67 92 No. of near miss cases 15 14 11 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019