Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Sustainability Report 2019

| Engaging Key Stakeholders | MEDIA Effectivemedia relations are essential to our business. We engage with the Media on our sustainability vision, strategy, themes and operations through external communication such as press releases, press conferences, development interviews and other platforms. The key areas in which we address their areas of interests are discussed in our ‘Annual Economic Performance’, ‘Innovative Development’ and ‘Community Engagement Session’ sections. SHAREHOLDERS AND INVESTORS The Group actively communicates with shareholders and investors by providing timely and quality information about developments at CCM, ensuring that the relevant information is equally and simultaneously provided and accessible to all parties. The sections that may interest our shareholder and investors include but are not limited to the ‘Annual Economic Performance’ and ‘Anti-Corruption Practices’ sections, while the manner in which we engage with our customers and communities is detailed in the ‘Product Quality’ and ‘Community Engagement’ sections. SUPPLIERS Our relationship with our suppliers is another key component of our stakeholder engagement activities. This is discussed thoroughly in the ‘Procurement Practice and Supply Chain Partnership’ section. COMMUNITIES AND THE PUBLIC The communities and public that inhabit the places in which we operate will want to know of our good environmental practices and initiatives. These areas are disclosed in the ‘Responsible Scheduled Waste Management’ and ‘Monitoring of Water Discharge’ sections, among other relevant sections. Some of the other social and economic benefits that we bring to the local community are spelt out in the ‘Community Engagement’ and ‘Fresh Graduate Opportunities’ sections. BANKERS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS The Group exchanges information with banking and financial institutions on anongoingbasis. This enables us to maintain our good relationship with them and helps strengthen our reputation as an outstanding company with good economic and sustainability performances. The details of the Group’s generated and distributed revenue for the financial year can be found under the ‘Annual Economic Performance’ section. INDUSTRY PEERS We maintain good connections and regular dialogue with our industry peers to share industry knowledge and discuss ways on how best to mitigate the impact of our operations. We highlight our activities in these areas under the ‘Our Sustainable Environment’ and ‘Our Sustainable Economy’ sections. 22 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF MALAYSIA BERHAD