Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Sustainability Report 2019

| OUR MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS | Our material sustainability matters are not restricted to matters that may have significant financial impact on our organisation, but also include matters that may impact our ability to meet present and future needs. We choose our material matters based on the guidelines provided by Bursa Malaysia where we identify issues that reflect the significant EES impact of our activities and which influence the perspectives and decisions of our stakeholders. In FY 2018, we performed a materiality assessment involving members of the Sustainability Working Committee (SWC) and representatives from the relevant departments within CCM to produce a materiality matrix. As those material matters were still valid in FY 2019, we continued to use them as guideposts for our sustainability endeavours. The matrix in question discloses 12 key material sustainability matters in order of importance to our business and our stakeholders as shown below. Of these, 7 were ranked as being of extremely high priority. The 12 sustainable materiality matters which are chosen based on the three sustainability categories i.e. the Economic, Environmental and Social categories, are then mapped to their relevant Global Reporting Initiative or GRI indicators, Sustainable Development Goals and stakeholder groups. Each of these material matters contributes positively towards the indicated SDGs and are reported based on the framework established by the GRI (which specifies important information that needs to be disclosed). Depending on our stakeholders’ areas of interests, each matter will attract the interest and concern of different stakeholders in varying degrees. MATERIALITY MATRIX Very High Data Protection Business Ethics and Integrity Innovation Supply Chain Management Climate Change Safety, Health and Environment Training and Development Product Quality Environmental Management Economic Performance Diversity and Inclusiveness Community Engagement Very High Importance to Stakeholders Importance to Business Operations High High Medium Medium [102-47] 26 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF MALAYSIA BERHAD