Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Sustainability Report 2019

Instances of Significant Spills in FY 2019 Polymers Location of Spill Volume of Spill (MT) Material Spilled Impact of Spill Raw material Plant 2.0 Raw material Pollution to internal drain Chemicals Location of Spill Volume of Spill (MT) Material Spilled Impact of Spill Overflow of product from scale tank Plant (PGW 3) 1.0 PAC Internal spillage Caustic splash from bended beam structure Plant (PGW 2) 2.0 NaOH Internal spillage Tank D720 displaced and broke Plant (PGW 3) 2.0 NaOCl Internal spillage RESPONSIBLE SCHEDULED WASTE MANAGEMENT [306-2] All scheduled wastes generated from the Group’s operations are being managed in a responsible manner in terms of their generation, storage, transportation and treatment. Scheduled wastes are collected by a licensed waste contractor that has been approved by the DOE Malaysia. In 2019, the following wastes were generated: Division Types of Waste Generated Amount of Waste Generated (MT) Waste Disposal Method Polymers General Waste 50.4 Landfill Scheduled Waste 157.68 Recovery Chemicals General Waste 332.15 Disposed to external supplier Scheduled Waste 1,273 Disposed at DOE- prescribed facilities MONITORING OF EFFLUENT DISCHARGE [306-1] In line with CCM’s commitment to ensure that our effluent discharge is safe for the environment and does not affect human health, we comply with the DOE’s stringent regulatory standards. The Group’s effluent discharge is treated prior to discharge through chemical and biological treatment. In this regard, all the Group’s manufacturing plants are equipped with a wastewater treatment plant. In 2019, we discharged 613.64 m 3 and 129,086 m 3 of effluent from our Polymers and Chemicals operations respectively. WATER INTAKE AND CONTROL MEASURES [303-3, 303-5] Water is one of the key resources utilised within the Group’s operations and our product manufacturing process is dependent on this valuable resource. Nonetheless, we are continually striving tominimise water usage in our operations and throughout our supply chain in order to safeguard the environment, reduce costs and ensure a resilient future for our business. We acknowledge our responsibility to use and manage water sources efficiently and sustainably. 43 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019