Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Sustainability Report 2019

Our businesses recruit local talent in order to support the socioeconomic living standards of local communities. Most of our employees are Malaysian citizens of Malay, Chinese and Indian descent as illustrated above. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING [407] Collective bargaining is an important part of employee relations. It is important that employers be able to negotiate with their employees on matters concerning the regulation of working salaries, working conditions, benefits and other aspects of worker compensation and worker rights. As part of CCM’s efforts to openly encourage transparency and openness in the workplace, we provide our employees the opportunity to express their views on workplace issues that affect them. We accord our employees the right to join a union of their choice and fully support employees’ rights to bargain collectively. Employees are free to exercise their rights to be informed and included in the decision-making process. Employees are happier when they can protect their rights and interests. This approach also provides a greater sense of employee ownership and responsibility in the workplace. | Our Commitment to Sustainable Social Practices | Employees by Residency 10 17 66 94 Male Female Male Female 10 8 64 43 1 0 1 26 0 0 0 0 JG 16 & above JG 14 - 15 JG 11 - 13 JG 10 - below Malaysian Non-Malaysian/Foreign Employee by Ethnicity Bumiputera Chinese Indian Other 152 96 19 16 10 27 2 18 Male Female 48 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF MALAYSIA BERHAD